Gabrieli--Sonnata Pian e Forte (四度低音弱音强音奏鸣曲)
Suggested Listening Works: Mozart-Don Giovanni (唐璜)
Key Concepts: Gluck's reforms, importantance of drama & music, overture, libretto, simplification of plot, importance of the chorus, idiomatic scoring
Composers: Berlioz (伯辽兹,法国作曲家、指挥家、评论家。1803-1869)
Suggested Listening Works: Berlioz-Symphony Fantastique (幻想交响曲)
Composers: Rossini (罗西尼,意大利作曲家。1792-1868)
Suggested Listening Works: Verdi-Rigoletto (利哥莱托)
Suggested Listening Works: Mahler-Symphony no 1 (3rd movement)(第一交响乐,第三乐章)
Suggested Listening Works: Debussy-The Engulfed Cathedral (Piano Prelude)(钢琴前奏曲:被颠覆的教堂)
Composers: Schoenberg (勋伯格,奥地利出生的作曲家、指挥家、教育家。1874-1951)
Composers: Schoenberg (勋伯格,奥地利出生的作曲家、指挥家、教育家。1874-1951)
Suggested Listening Works: Schoenberg-Variations for Orchestra, op 31 (变奏曲,作品31号)
Composers: Stravinsky (斯特拉文斯基,俄国出生的作曲家、指挥家、钢琴家、作家。1882-1971)
Suggested Listening Works:Stravinsky-Symphony of Psalms (诗篇交响乐)
Composers: Stockhousen (施托克豪森,德国先锋派作曲家。1926-?)
Suggested Listening Works:Stockhousen-Mikrophonie II (麦克风 II)
Key terms: Graphic score, instrumental techniques, artistic freedom
Suggested Listening Works:Joplin-The Entertainer (演艺人)
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